
viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015

The Last Unicorn

Hoy publico nuevo post, despues de varios meses de inactividad, y lo dedico a Passenger y a una canción titulada The Last Unicorn, incluida en el  album que lanzó en el año 2009, siendo su primer album trabajando en solitario. El album tenía por título, Wide Eyes Blid Love. En ese mismo año 2009, Mike Rosenberg comenzó su carrera como solista adoptando el mismo nombre de Passenger, y desde entonces ha publicado 5 albumes, destacando por el enorme éxito la canción Ler Her Go

Passenger (Mike Rosemberg)

Michael David Rosenberg, es el nombre verdadero del cantautor de folk-rock Passenger, que nació el 17 de mayo de 1984,  en Brighton & Hove, Reino Unido

Sus canciones son en general, tristes y meláncolicas, pero a mi me gustan bastante. Todo depende del estado de ánimo. Transcribo algunas opiniones tomadas de los comentarios al video de la canción The Last Unicorn tomado de YouTube

 Portada del album Wide Eyes Blind Love (2009)
  •  Passenger is superb!!! Love this song!
  • I wish i could go back to a time in my life where these lyrics didnt make any sense at all.
  • This guys music is all the same, drone, drone, drone, whine, whine, whine, depressing, depressing, depressing. Is this what the music scene has come to? A monotone depressing whine, joyless and full of misery.
Como se puede apreciar hay opiniones para todos los gustos. Oidla y comentadla , si os apatece.

The Last Unicorn

Well we’ll kiss for that’s how it begins,
We’ll embrace just to warm our skins.
I’ll think of her and you’ll think of him.

And we’ll talk to keep the silence from our ears,
And we’ll laugh because we’re so close to tears,
We’re just lonely, you know, that’s why we’re here.

Cos you don’t taste like you should,
And you don’t fit in my arms like she would.
Lying in the dark, it’s understood:
We are both lost.
And we won’t be found.

We will wake up with each other in our paws,
You cover over white bits like I’ve not seen them before.
We’ll say goodbye and then we’ll say no more.

Cause hearts won’t buy love and nor will they sell,
And there is no love in this hotel.
Though we’re walking home we know too well
We are both lost
We are both lost
And we won’t be found.

She was my compass,
He was your map,
We’ve come too far to be turning back.

And we’ll sit on our single beds,
Nothing on our hearts and tears on our threads,
For we know the last unicorn is dead.

2 comentarios:

  1. Magnífica elección de post para regresar, Alfie.

    She was my compass,
    He was your map,
    We’ve come too far to be turning back

