
sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

Justifying the parenthesis ...

The last month I have been forced to make a parenthesis in my work on the blog. There have been two main causes:

First of all, during September's first half I have been preparing the trip to Berlin. It has really been very simple. The amount of information obtained through Google is huge and usually very good and reliable; photographs, videos, books, guides tours, forums, blogs with posts commenting on other trips to Berlin, etc.

Ready for output

Night in Brandenburg Gate

Berlin skyline

Marx, Engels and I

Replacing forces in Zür Gerichsläube (traditional Berlin restaurant)

Our journey has had an excellent result. The September 18 day, Ana and I flew to Berlin in Easy Jet, and have fully enjoyed the city. In upcoming posts I will describe this trip.

The second reason has been much more unpleasant.

Upon returning, I found many problems in my blog. Errors of all types. It started with the failure in the gadgets of movement at the beginning and end of the page. Shortly after the number of visits were cleared in many post and I have not been able to restore them. As result the gadgest of most popular entries did not work, and other problems with third-party gaddgets.

Zero visits in many post!

I have asked for help to support blogger page and I have not been answered at the moment. So I have decided to change the template of the blog to dynamic views, eliminating the gadgets that are not compatible, and I finally finished the work, leaving the blog with a more modern look, which I hope is to your liking.

 New template for Meandros y Poliedros

If anyone knows any procedure to retrieve the number of visits from all post, please send me this information.

Still preserved the statistics of visist by countries, and recently the visitors from United States have surpassed the Spain, being the most numerous. So I decided to show my appreciation by writing this post in english, hoping you will forgive my mistakes.

I look forward to be tomorrow to start with new posts in a new stag,

 ¡Auf Wiedersehen!

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